Get involved!

The Solidrinks Association

The Solidrinks association chooses the initiatives that are being supported from the Solidrinks’ revenues. It hands over the drink donations to refugees’ initiatives and keeps up a lively exchange with them, cross-links the initiatives and seeks ways to communicate their objectives beyond the Solishouts, Solidrinks’ label campaign.


The association takes part in different events like festivals and markets and explains how social and political consumption via solidrinking leads to political engagement and a solidary ‘We’. Read our articles here

Get involved

Become part of the Solicrew! As active members of the association you choose the projects and initiatives that get funded, you take part in events and explain the Solidrinks transparent donation and support model, you inform others about the work of the currently supported initiatives and you help with the new Solishouts.

Apply as initiative

You are a non profit association or you initiate a social, cultural project, committed to societal participation and co-shaping? Your project or association is founded on the initiative of refugees and migrants or their supporters? Your approach is based on an awareness for structural discrimination and the problematic of escape in the world and you work locally to make Germany or your neighborhood a better place for everyone to live in? Apply now for the next drinks!


You can support the work of the Solidrinks association in manifold ways with either a financial donation or a contribution in kind and time. If you want to support us sustainably, think of becoming a sustaining member (Fördermitglied)!

Contact us

Donation account

Solidrinks. Empowerment and Support for Refugees e.V.

Postal address: Lausitzer Str. 10, Aufgang B, 1. Stock, 10999 Berlin

Board: Elise Desnavres, Frauke Wiegand und Stéphane Aspe


Solidrinks e.V.

IBAN: DE51430609671236245500


…of course at the GLS Gemeinschaftsbank